Milí rodičia,
radi by sme Vás informovali o “novinke” zo školskej kantíny, o ktorej sme sa dozvedeli náhodou.
Od októbra (konečne po dlhých rokoch žiadostí) začali v kantíne podávať deťom aj polievku.
Polievka bola umiestnená v “šalátovom bare” (ku ktorému majú prístup žiaci od P3).
Bohužiaĺ, hned po týždni s tým aj prestali.
Dôvodom vraj bolo, že to “zamestnancom kantíny prirábalo starosti”, “deti mali zámienku, aby vstávali od stolov”, “deti potom nechceli jesť druhé jedlo”, prípadne si polievku “nabrali a nezjedli”.
Personál si ale našťastie všimol, že deti sa z podávania polievky veľmi tešili (tvorili sa tam dlhé rady vždy, ked sa podávala), preto teraz (vraj) prehodnocujú situáciu (počas prehodnocovania sa však polievka nepodáva a nikto nevie, ako dlho to budú prehodnocovať). Navrhujú vraj podávať polievku “iba občas” (teda už nie každý deň, ako to plánovali).
A “zvažujú” možnosť ponúkať polievku na viacerých miestach naraz, aby se netvorili dlhé rady a deti nepobehovali po jedálni.
Okrem toho sme sa tiež dozvedeli, že tak ako na hlavné jedlo, aj na polievku dávajú deťom plastové taniere.
A to aj napriek tomu, že množstvo verejne dostupných informácií poukazuje na nevhodnosť používania plastového riadu na teplé jedlo/tekutiny, keďže teplotou sa z nich do jedla uvoľňujú škodlivé látky.
Plastové majú aj poháre, ale keďže sa z nich pije len studená voda, dá sa nad tým ešte “prižmúriť oko”.
Ak vás táto téma zaujala a záleží vám na tom, aby deti dostávali polievku pravidelne, chceli by sme vás poprosiť, aby ste tiež osobne napísali do kantíny ( – do CC dajte prosím našu adresu ( ), pani Mariu Saura-Moreno, ktorá má na starosti kantínu v rámci APEEE ( a tiež Tomáša Hrubého ( ), ktorý je zástupcom CZ sekcie v APEEE Board a veľmi nám so všetkým pomáhaj. Mnohé informácie máme len vďaka nemu.
Napíšte im váš názor, prípadne (ak s nami súhlasíte) napíšte aj to, že si želate, aby deti polievku dostávali každý deň.
My sme navrhli, aby dali jednu misu polievky na každý stôl a deti by si naberali pri stole, čím by sa predišlo dlhým radam, rozlievaniu aj odchádzaniu od stolov a zároveň by k nej mali takto prístup už aj deti od M1.
Tiež sme ich požiadali, aby začali podávať jedlo na keramických/sklenených (prípadne nerezových) tanieroch.
Ako viete, takéto veci sa dajú zmeniť len tlakom rodičov, preto vám budeme vďační za vašu podporu.
Nižšie preposielame e-mail, ktory sme Canteen Office zaslali my z adresy SK Parents.
SK Parents
Zuzana Repkova
Zuzana Hruscova
Eva Rehakova
Matus Minarik
Peter Repka
Dear Canteen Office,
We are writing to you in our position of SWALS parents representatives to thank you for introducing the soup to the lunch menu of all our children.
It is a very welcomed step by all – parents, as well as children. And, it is an excellent step even from the point of the nutrition recommendations.
At the same time, we were very surprised to find out that this wonderful change finished as soon as it started.
We have heard that children were leaving the tables, canteen staff complained about the noise and mess, children did not want to eat the main course and all that.
However, we are asking you to deal with these minor issues constructively:
First of all – we propose that the soup bowls are put on each table (one per table), which immediately solves the cues, the mess, as well as the need for the children to leave the tables. At the same time, this would make soups available not only to children from P3 up, but also for M1-P2 levels.
Second, when it comes to what kids eat, we propose to let them a choice of having a soup if they prefer so, rather than not eating anything at all. Many times, when they only get the main meal, it is not eaten either and all they end up eating is the plain baguette that is provided on the tables. This has no nutritional value whatsoever (white flour) and if we compare the option of eating just a soup or just the baguette, I think we can all agree that the soup is much much better in terms of nutritional value. Therefore, we propose that in addition to the main meal, the soup should be provided each day and baguettes would only accompany the soup. Towards the end of each mealtime, baguettes could again be provided so that kids that are still hungry can take them with them, but they should not serve to replace the main meal. We have heard that baguettes are being provided simultaneously with the main meal – which means that kids choose baguettes instead of their main meal anyway. Again, if they had a soup, they would not end up eating the baguette in case they don’t like the main meal.
Last but not least – we have found out that the children are being served on plastic plates and bowls – could you please specify which type of plastic material exactly is used for those? As you surely know, it is never recommended to serve warm food or liquids in plastic materials, as these release dangerous chemicals (many of them carcinogenic) into the food. For this reason, we demand that the plastic plates are replaced by either regular ceramic/glass ones (cheaper option), or those made of unbreakable stainless steel immediately. The same is applicable for cups used for drinking water, though this is of a smaller concern, as long as the water is provided on tables in glass jugs (which hopefully it is).
We are not going to comment on the argument of the complaints of canteen staff (resulting from the introduction of the soup), as we believe the canteen staff are paid for their job, part of which can well be to bring a bowl of soup on each table. In any case, we do believe we all agree on that so this should not be any major issue.
Thank you for further information on all of this.
Kind regards,
SK Parents representatives
Zuzana Repkova
Zuzana Hruscova
Eva Rehakova
Matus Minarik
Peter Repka
Dear Canteen Office,
Further to our email yesterday, we are contacting you with one more issue.
As you know, parents are asked by the APEEE/Canteen office to make a registration (with the indication of days of lunch attendance) already in June.However, the school schedules are only made available to students in September – with many of them (from Secondary) receiving schedules that obliged them to have classes during lunch breaks.
In this regard, it is absolutely unacceptable that parents of these students are told to pay for lunches that their children cannot take for the whole month of September(because the Canteen office says that the change is “only possible from the following month” –i.e. October). Equally unacceptable is to charge these parents 15 eur administrative fee for such change.
We are convinced that in such circumstances, the Canteen Office has no right to charge for services (lunches) not provided and should make the change immediately after being notified about this situation, without charging any fee (proof of class schedule during lunchtime can be requested by the Canteen office). Please note that some students have lunch classes on several days a week.The APEEE could discuss this issue with school, in order to coordinate the inscriptions in the future.
Thank you for dealing with this issue as soon as possible and for informing us about further progress.
Kind regards,
SK Parents representatives